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Product Description
1. Technical Aspects
In Vitro Fertilization-Pre-Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET) is a fertility procedure in which eggs extracted from Women’s ovaries are mixed with sperms in a fluid medium, and then the fertilized eggs are cultured for 3 days in a growth medium. After incubation, good fertilized eggs are selected and implanted in a uterus. However, it is technically difficult to select a good embryo based on its morphology and thus, there are low pregnancy rates and high possibility of chromosomal aneuploidy. Therefore, in developed countries such as the United States and Europe, various pre-implantation genetic screening (PGS) has been suggested to increase the success rate of IVF-ET. MGMED is currently offering high-tech services to select superior embryos before embryo transfer using Whole genome Amplification (WGA) and array CGH.
2. Procedure
1) Cells collected from Embryo at day 3 (Blastomere) or 5 (Blastocysts).
2) Whole genome amplification is conducted from collected embryo cells, and the amplified DNA is labeled.
3) DNA hybridization is conducted in a high density DNA Chip.
4) After hybridization, DNA CHIP is analyzed by a scanner. Result is reported within 24 hr.
3. Technical Advantages
1) Compared to conventional FISH tests, PGS is more accurate and quicker.
2) Using WGA technology, we can get accurate information even from a single cell.
3) If one of the parents is a carrier of balanced translocation, which can lead to frequent failures in in vitro fertilization, PGS can be used as an effective tool to increase the success rates.
4) Because we have the BAC library containing selected major chromosome locus, we can accurately identify tested regions.
5) MG Viewer, specialized software, is used for accurate and fast result analyses